Sunday 17 April 2011

Its all relative my dear Watson! & Vote 1 : Ace People! (warning this is a text heavy/contemplative post)


I've been thinking over the last couple of days that I should really have some kind of solid direction for this blog.  Maybe issue myself some kind of guidelines and deadlines.  Only thing is I love guideline but hate deadlines.

I then started to think well...I don't really need to define when or what I write on this blog so I should just post when I feel like it or when I actually have some thing interesting to say.  But then I thought.."well i did have intentions for using this blog to document and encourage my new creative awakening"(cheesy I know!) I also wanted to blog to express myself in a more coherent fashion with the written word, as you can see with this post I do tend to scramble on.

Anyway I spent the morning tossing and turning in bed trying to summarise why I have/want to blog and how I should do it to make it consistent, interesting and worth reading, not just for my self but also for those who happen come across my little garden. 

Here are some things I came up with.......

+ I want/need to document my new creative endeavours:
Since graduating I have been reluctant to pick up my camera.  Instead I have been all over other crafts and realised that I should have taken Art/Design or illustration at uni. 

+ Have a reminder of all the blogs, books, websites that I come across that completely encourage and inspire me to try new skills and talk about them here.

+ Make loads of things and blog some How To's/DIY's.

+ Get rid of my shyness and doubt surrounding my creative abilities.

So to sum up what I have come to conclude so far: I want this blog to be about discovering my creativity and sharing it!

I feel much better now. Getting it off my chest and all that.  And even more so after reading this post  by Pip over at one of my newly found and favourite blogs, Meet Me At Mikes. I read a fair few blogs and although its always nice to hear about all the lovely stuff going on in other bloggers lives its reassuring to know that its not always all lovely and perfect. And that at the other end of the Internet is a real person who also experiences real life and is willing to share a bit of the bad as well as all the good.  I have always believed that you need to surround yourself with positive people to be positive.  And that positivity like respect and love needs to be given as much as you want to receive it! I also love that people are almost always willing to be there for you even if they don't really know you or live millions of miles away from you. I love the Internet and the blogging community!  

All this will make sense when you read Pip's post Vote 1: Ace People

I think this week I'm going to appreciate all the ace people I know! And I'm going to vote for all the people who take time out of their lives to listen, encourage and inspire others when they might not be having such a great time themselves!

People rule!!

Kat xx

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